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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Deneysel Mühendislik
English Experimental Engineering
Course Code
UCK 304E Credit Lecture
Semester 6
1 - - 2
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Demet Balkan
Course Objectives To provide to students laboratory experience in aerodynamics and structures.
To improve students’ team work ability.
Course Description Formulation of laboratory experiments through open-ended planning, including decision criteria for laboratory techniques and approaches. Execution of experiments based on individual plans, followed by assessment of experimental results.
Course Outcomes On completing this course students should be able to,
1. Use library sources effectively to make literature survey and relate existing studies with their project. (a1,e1,f1,h1,i2,j2,k2)
2. Design an experimental setup; decide on the measurement system depending on requirements and run the experiment. (a2,b3,c3,e2,k2)
3. Perform team work, discuss experimental results. (d2,f2,g3,h1)
4. Run experiments and gain knowledge on jet flows, boundary layer flows and flow around cylinder; define experimental conditions. (a2,b3,e1)
5. Carry out analysis of experimental data and by presenting results in appropriate plots. (a2,b3,e2,k2)
6. Use Bernoulli’s Equation to obtain velocity information from a measured pressure difference.(a2,e1,k1)
7. Calculate pressure drag acting on a body by using surface pressure distribution. (a2,e1,k1)
8. Obtain stress and strain diagrams from tension test results. (a2,e1,k1)
9. Have knowledge on choosing a proper measurement system by considering their advantages and disadvantages. (a1,b3,c2,e2,k1)
10. Write experimental report with ethical responsibility; make an oral presentation of a designed and conducted experiment. (f3,g3,k2)
Required Facilities
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