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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Uzay Sistem Tasarımı
English Spacecraft Systems Design
Course Code
UZB 422E Credit Lecture
Semester 8
3 2 2 -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Alim Rüstem Aslan
Course Objectives To develop the full skill set necessary for system engineering of spacecraft system design and to exercise the design of a spacecraft with defined goals, design requirements and constraints with teamwork.
Course Description A system view of spacecraft. Payloads and Missions. Mission analysis. The space environment. Dynamics of spacecraft. Orbital mechanics. Propulsion systems. Launch vehicles. Atmospheric re-entry. Spacecraft structures. Attitude control. Electrical power systems. Thermal control of spacecraft. Telecommunications. Telemetry and command. Ground control.
Course Outcomes After completion of this course, the students should :
1. know about space mission concepts and payload driven operations, testing requirements(a3,b3,c3,e3,h1,k3)
2. apply basic concepts of orbital mechanics and propulsion systems to spacecraft design, (a3,c3,e3,k3)
3. apply basic concepts of structures and mechanisms, power and thermal effects to spacecraft design, (a3,c3,e3,k3)
4. apply basic concepts of telecommunications, command and data handling to a spacecraft design,(a3,c3,e3,k3)
5. know about spacecraft attitude, determination and control, apply them for guidance and navigation,(a3,c3,e3,k3)
6. develop a conceptual design of a spacecraft including mission operations, launch, ground support and logistics,(a3,b3,c3,d2,e3,g2,k3)
7. write a comprehensive final design report (teamwork) and present the project work(b3,d2,e3,f1,g2,h1,i3,j1,k3)
Pre-requisite(s) UZB421E
Required Facilities computer
Textbook Elements of Spacecraft Design, Charles D Brown, AIAA Education Series, 2003
Other References Space Mission Analysis and Design, James R. Wertz and Wiley, J. Larson, eds. ,1999, ISBN 978-1881883104
Space Vehicle Design, Michael D. Griffin, James R. French, AIAA Education Series, 2004
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