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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Bilgisayarla Teknik Resim
English Computer Aided Drafting
Course Code
UZB 112 Credit Lecture
Semester 2
2 1 2 -
Course Language Turkish
Course Coordinator Hüsnü Barbaros Soyer
Hüsnü Barbaros Soyer
Hüsnü Barbaros Soyer
Course Objectives In order to teach the standards and the rules required to make or understand engineering drawings.
Course Description The standards and bases of engineering drawings / Engineering drawings of parts and bodies / Sectioning / Material and surface roughness symbols / Perspective engineering drawings / Dimensional and geometric tolerances / Some standard mechanical parts like bolts, nuts, bearings and gears / Assembly drawings
Course Outcomes The students passing the course should :
1. Be able to use the commands of CAD software being trained in course (a2,c2,e1,i1,k2)*
2. Be able to make the technical drawings of simple planar sheet parts (a1,c1,e1,k1)*
3. Be able to make the technical drawings of 3D parts (a2,c3,i1,k2)*
4. Be able to create section views (a2,c2,e1,i1,k2)*
5. Be able to make dimensions (a2,c1,e1,i1,k2)*
6. Be able to add surface roughness symbols on technical views (a2,c1,e1,i1,k2)*
7. Be able to create isometric views (a2,c2,e1,i1,k2)*
8. Be able to add dimensional and geometrical tolerances on technical views (a2,c1,e1,i1,k2)*
9. Be able to make the technical drawings of standard mechanical parts (a2,c2,e1,i1,k2)*
10. Be able to create assembly views (a2,c3,e2,i1,k2)*
Pre-requisite(s) None
Required Facilities Computer Lab. / CATIA V5R19
Textbook Cecil Jensen, Jay D. Hensel, Dennis R. Short, Engineering Drawing & Design, McGraw-Hill, 2008
Other References Prof. Dr. M. Nimet Özdaş, Prof. Dr. Mustafa Gediktaş, Teknik Resim, Çağlayan Kitabevi, 1995
Mehmet Konar, Yüksel Karataş, Mustafa Efeoğlu, Makina Ressamlığı Atölye Ve Teknoloji, M.E.B., 2003
Mehmet Küçük, Teknik Resim, M.E.B., 2005
Every type of books, notes and Internet sites interested in the subjects of technical drawings and CATIA software.
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