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MTO 334E - Atmospheric Dynamics II

Course Objectives

1. Develop an understanding of how atmospheric events form and work in the context of atmospheric dynamics .
2. Use the learned ability to understand and analyze current weather conditions and criticize the issued weather forecast in terms of its success

Course Description

Balanced curved flow, Natural coordinates, Gradient wind approximation, Cyclostrophic flow, Trajectories and streamlines, Blaton’s equation, Vertical shear of the geostrophic wind, Thermal wind, Vertical motion, Absolute angular momentum, Circulation and vorticity, Circulation theorem, Land and sea breezes, Potential vorticity, Vorticity equation, Scale analysis of the vorticity equation, Atmospheric oscillations, Linear perturbation theory, Simple wave types, Atmospheric waves, Gravity waves, Rossby waves

Course Coordinator
Yurdanur Ünal
Course Language
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