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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Bitirme Çalışması
English Graduation Project
Course Code
UCK 492E Credit Lecture
Semester -
3 - 6 -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Mahmut Adil Yükselen
Course Objectives 1. Teach students how to conduct an individual research in their professional field
2. To enable students to gain useful experience in their chosen topic
Course Description The aim of this course is to teach students, who are about to graduate, how to conduct an individual research in their professional field and to gain a useful experience. Students must fulfill the requirements of this course by performing either an applied, experimental, or a literature survey-based research, about a subject proposed by his/her assigned adviser, and by reporting the results accordingly. Thus, students will learn how to perform an individual research and to present its results both written and orally
Course Outcomes 1. To learn how to conduct literature survey within the chosen field
2. To learn how to conduct studies within the chosen field
3. To write and present the graduation project according to specified rules
Required Facilities
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