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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Mukavemet I
English Strength of Materials I
Course Code
MUK 203E Credit Lecture
Semester 3
3 3 - -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Seher Eken
Course Objectives Introduction; Concept of modeling and basic principals. Stress. Strain. Mechanical properties of materials. Axial load. Torsion. Bending.
Course Description 1. Detailed and full coverage of the theoretical aspects of fundamental structural analysis.
2. To establish the relationship between material properties and structural strength.
3. To provide the students with the knowledge and skills required for basic structural design.
Course Outcomes Student, who passed the course satisfactorily can:
1. Modelling of structural members
2. External and internal forces and moments
3. Stresses due to axial force and simple shear
4. Design of simple connections
5. Strain. Mechanical properties of materials
6. Deformation of members under axial force
7. Torsional stress and deformation
8. Pure bending, unsymmetrical bending
9. Hyperstatic members
10. Stress concentration
Pre-requisite(s) STA 201 MIN DD OR STA 202 MIN DD OR STA 204 MIN DD
Required Facilities -
Other Students who partially or fully copy their homework will be given -100 points.
Textbook Hibbeler, R. C., Mechanics of Materials, SI Edition, Prentice Hall, Singapore, 2004.
Other References F.P. Beer, E.R. Jonhston; Mechanics of Materials
M. İnan; Cisimlerin Mukavemeti.
M.H. Omurtag; Cisimlerin Mukavemeti.
E.P.Popov, Çev. H. Demiray; Mukavemet, Katı Cisimlerin Mekaniğine Giriş
M. Bakioğlu; Cisimlerin Mukavemeti.
M. Bakioğlu, N. Kadıoğlu, H. Engin; Mukavemet Problemleri I
Mehmet Omurtag; Mukavemet (Çözümlü Problemler)
H. Boduroğlu, F.Delale; Çözümlü Mukavemet Problemleri
W.D.Pilkey, O.H.Pilkey; Mechanics of Solids
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