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Where Am I: Ninova / Courses / Faculty of Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering / MET 439E - Mühendislik Polimerleri

MET 439E - Engineering Polymers

Course Objectives

Bu dersi alan öğrenci, ileri teknoloji malzemesi olarak kullanılan polimer esaslı malzemelerin ve polimerik malzemelerin özelliklerini ve polimer esaslı malzemelerin üretim yöntemlerini öğrenecektir.

Course Description

To introduce the fundamental aspects of polymerization mechanisms
To describe the polymer types and explain the differences between polymer
classes and polymerization
To qualitatively explain the nature, configuration and dimension of the polymer
chain, p
olymer branches and co polymerization
To express the relationship between molecular structure and the physical and
mechanical properties of polymers
To explain phenomenological the amorphous state, the crystalline state and the
elastomeric state.
To disc
uss, by means of introducing a thought experiment, four different regions
of the viscoelastic behavior, the WLF negatron and the master curves for
viscoelastic solids
To construct various analog viscoelastic models and enhance with sample
To exp
lain polymer manufacting methods

Course Coordinator
Burak Özkal
Course Language
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