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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Gıda Kalite Kontrol
English Food Quality Control
Course Code
GID 424E Credit Lecture
Semester 1
3 3 - -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Beraat Özçelik
Course Objectives Educate students for having knowledge on quality criteria in food commodity groups and for having ability to apply this basic knowledge in achieving quality control of food products and food production processes 2) Promote students' focus on quality management and quality assurance systems and tools 3) Educate students on respective national and international food standards and food legislations 4) Improve the students' written and oral communication skills through the homework assignmen
Course Description Quality concept and related definitions; national and international standards and legislation concerning food quality. Quality assurance systems and total quality management in food industries; quality management tools; food safety systems; statistical quality control; quality criteria, their respective limits and quality monitoring systems for different food commodity groups; test methods for food quality control; food traceability and authenticity; relevant ethical issues.
Course Outcomes 1) Demonstrate a basic knowledge on quality criterias and quality defects of food Outcomes) commodity groups. 2) Demonstrate an ability to integrate their basic knowledge into management sciences within the food industry applications 3) Demonstrate an ability to integrate their basic knowledge about food safety and quality systems 4) Demonstrate a basic knowledge on food legislations and authorities 5) Demonstrate a basic knowledge on application of statistical methods in quality control applications. 6) Contribute own share of the project's load and cooperate with others 7) Plan and deliver presentation effectively 8) Articulate clearly and concisely. 9) Recognize interrelationships among the problems and issues 10) Demonstrate an ability to synthesize and integrate information.
Pre-requisite(s) -
Required Facilities -
Other -
Textbook Selected reprints of texts on Turkish Food Legislation and food quality (Textbook) criteria.
Other References Early, R. 1995. Guide To Quality Management Systems For The Food (Other References) Industry, Blackie Academic, UK. Gould,W. 1993. Total Quality Assurance For The Food Industries. CTI Publ., USA.
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