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KMM 222E - Computati. Meth. in Chem. Eng.

Course Objectives

1. To develop an understanding of the mathematics underlying the various numerical methods and how they are applied to solve engineering problems
2. To select and apply appropriate numerical methods to obtain approximate solutions to chemical engineering problems
3. To analyze and evaluate the accuracy of numerical methods
4. Develop, test and evaluate simple numerical algorithms in MATLAB for solving engineering problems.
5. To develop computational and data analysis skills

Course Description

Numerical methods and computational problem solving; MATLAB fundamentals; MATLAB programming; round-off and truncation errors; solution of nonlinear algebraic equations (root finding); solution of systems of equations; curve fitting and linear/nonlinear regression; polynomial interpolation; numerical differentiation; numerical integration; numerical solution of ordinary differential equations (initial value and boundary value problems)

Course Coordinator
Melek Mümine Erol Taygun
Course Language
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