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Where Am I: Ninova / Courses / Faculty of Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering / GID 224 - Gıda Toksik.,Kontamin.&Katk.

GID 224 - Food Toxic., Contam.&Add.

Course Objectives

To educate students on, food contaminants, additives, regulatory affairs responsible from food safety,Understand the significance of contaminants in foods during manufacturing from harvest to the consumer point.Gain the awareness of the importance of the role of food additives in food processing and in product formulation.Provide students with basic information about basic toxicology concepts, on properties of chemicals
used as food additives, significance of both groups from food safety and food quality aspects, improve the students written and oral communication skills through the homework assignment

Course Description

Introduction to food toxicology, General knowledge Knowledge about toxicological concepts (LD50,NOEL, ADI, MAC, etc.), food security and food Safety authorities Food contaminants occurred during
food processing (acrylamids, nitrozamines, PAHs, etc.), environmental contaminants (radioactivities, heavy metals, dioxin, etc.), contaminants formed during agricultural practices (hormones, pesticides), metabolites
of microorganisms(Bacterial and mould toxins), natural toxins and allergens, GMOs; their significance for food quality and safety; Labelling Rules. Food Additives and their significance for food quality, food
processing and food safety aspects. Relevant regulatory affairs and regulations about food contaminants and food additives. Enrichment or fortification of foods and labeling

Course Coordinator
Aslı Can Karaça
Course Language
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