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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Kompozit Malzemelerin Tem.
English Fundamentals of Composite Materials
Course Code
MET 442 Credit Lecture
Semester 8
2 2 - -
Course Language Turkish
Course Coordinator Mustafa Lutfi Öveçoğlu
Mustafa Lutfi Öveçoğlu
Duygu Ağaoğulları
Course Objectives 1.Introduction to the concepts of fiber and particle reinforcement in metal, ceramic and polymer matrices
2. Design of new composite materials having desired properties
3. To provide better understanding and comprehension of structure-property relationships in materials
Course Description Building blocks and classification of composites. Particulate composites, fiber
composites, laminar composites. Micro and macro composite structures. Design criteria for composites. Production and properties of composites.
Course Outcomes
Required Facilities
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