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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Toplam Kalite Yönetimi
English Total Quality Management
Course Code
MET 312 Credit Lecture
Semester 6
3 3 - -
Course Language Turkish
Course Coordinator İsmail Yılmaz Taptık
İsmail Yılmaz Taptık
Course Objectives The main objectives of this course are;
• to offer a wide range of tools and techniques which help provide and produce quality from the begining of design, production and final process in order to have final product with high quality.
• to provide information on Quality Concept Philospy and System, Qualıty Assurance and Qualıty Control, Quality System Structure, Quality system Strategies and Tactics, Quality System Integration and Implemantation, ISO 9000 series standards, Economics of Quality, Product, Process and Human Performance for Creating of Quality, Fundamental Strategic and Tactical Quality Tools.
• to introduce the seven basic and management tools, process and quality techniques (Quality Function Deployment, Failure Modes and Effect Analysis, Fault Tree Analysis, Design of Experiments, Statistical Process Control, Control ChartsProcess Sampling, Process stability and SPC Chart Interpretation.
Course Description This course will offer an introduction to quality concept in human history as well as in engineering and manufacturing. In the course, quality as a concept and a philosophy will be taught and following Quality Assuarance Systems (Quality Standards, ISO 9000, QS9000, etc.) Quality Planning, Essential Factor for Creating Quality, Quality and Value Creation, Quality Costs, Quality and Economy will be given.
In the course, the perception of Total Quality Management and the importance of team work in quality deployment will be emphasized and Quality Tools and Techniques will be taught in order for students to set full understanding in problems and analyze the problems to provide effective solutions by means of tools and techniques. Therfeore this course will cover
the definition of quality. historical perception in quality, quality philosophy, quality Assuarance Systems (Quality Standards, ISO 9000, QS9000, etc.) Quality Planning, Essential Factor for Creating Quality, Quality and Value Creation, Quality Costs, Quality and Economy,t he concept of team work, Quality and Management Tools, 7 Management Tools and 7 Quality Tools, Computer Aided Applications, Quality Function Deployment, Failure Mode and Effect Analysis, Failure Tree Analysis, quality costs, The relation between quality and environment, quality and ethics
Course Outcomes Students who pass the course will have a knowledge on
I. Total Quality Management Philosophy
II. International Quality Standards
III. Problem description and solving
and ability to use
IV. quality tools and techniques to reach high quality standards in every step of the production of product.
V. Statistics
VI. Sampling and process control
VII. Quality, economy, ethics
VIII. Computer aided process quality control applications.
Pre-requisite(s) -
Required Facilities SPC FOR EXCEL, MINITAB
Other -
Textbook Yılmaz Taptık, Özgül Keleş, Kalite Savaşı, Kalder Kayınları No 22 , İstanbul, 1998
Yılmaz Taptık, Özgül Keleş, Kalite Savaş Araçları, Kalder Yayınları No 23, İstanbul, 1998
Other References William J. Kolarik, Creating Quality,Concepts, Systems, Strategies and Tools, McGraw-Hills Series in Industrial Engineering and Management Science, 1995
Tilo Pfeifer, Qualitaetsmanagement, 2. Auflage, Hanser Verlag, 1996
H. G. Menon, TQM in New Product Manifacturing, McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1992
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