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MET 313E - Chemical Metallugry I

Course Objectives

1. Know history of metallurgy, fundamental definitions and concept of metallurgy
2. Identify metallurgical raw materials
3. Pretreatment operations, ore processing and surface enlargement methods
4. Learn reduction operations and separation techniques.
5. Comprehend the general characteristics of pyrometallurgy, hydrometallurgy, electrometallurgy

Course Description

Principles history of metallurgy, definitions and concept, relationship between basic sciences, minerals and ores, raw materials (ores, concentrates, scraps, reused / recycled materials), Ore dressing, scrap classification, Comminution, fracture mechanisms, energy and power requirements, liberation, machine selection, machine types, crushers, grinders, Mineral separation, particle settling phenomena, particle separation, classification, mechanical classifiers, hydraulic classifiers, hydrocyclones, Screening, ideal and actual screens, material balances, types of screens, gravity concentration, magnetic separation, electrostatic separation, Flotation, flotation chemistry, surfactants, sulfide flotation, flotation systems, dewatering, sedimentation, flocculation, filtration, thermal drying, evaporation. Fundamentals of pyrometallurgy, hydrometallurgy and electrometallurgy.

Course Coordinator
Onuralp Yücel
Course Language
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