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KMM 428E - Special Seperation Techniques

Course Objectives

1. To inform about innovative separation methods
2. To introduce innovative, sustainable and environmentally sound separation methods
3. To explain the techniques used in the selection of separation methods used in the industry.
4. To embrace the importance of lifelong learning
5. To develop literature research and technical report writing skills
6. To develop oral presentation skills

Course Description

Fundamentals of Separation Processes, Ion Exchange Separations, Large Scale Chromatography, Ultrafiltration and Reverse Osmosis, Dialysis and Electrodialysis, Supercritical Extraction and Azeotropic Distillation Processes, Sedimentation and Fluidisation Processes, Crystallisation Processes, Drying Processes (freeeze drying, spray drying), Centrifugal Separation Processes, Ion Exchange, Ion exclusion Processes, Gas Separation Processes, Absorption and Stripping, and Advanced Oxidation Processes, Electrochemical Separations

Course Coordinator
Nil Özbek
Course Language
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