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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Malzeme Bilimi
English Material Science
Course Code
BEN 323 Credit Lecture
Semester 1
3 3 - -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Faiz Muhaffel
Course Objectives 1. Introduce engineering materials consisting of metals, ceramics, organics, and composites, and their properties.
2. Introduce the relationships between the structural characteristics and the mechanical, physical, and chemical properties of materials.
3. Emphasize the importance of material selection in designs.
Course Description An overview of engineering materials. Structural and physical properties of materials. Solid-state diffusion. Mechanical properties of materials and their measurement. Metal materials and phase structure. Solidification. Phase transformations and diagrams. Organic, ceramic, composite materials and their properties. Corrosion and protection methods. Electrical and thermal properties of materials.
Course Outcomes 1. The ability to predict the physical properties of materials by considering their chemical compositions and atomic bonding structures.
2. The ability to define crystal planes and directions using Bravais and Miller indices.
3. The ability to understand the effects of structural defects on the properties of crystalline materials.
4. Knowledge and skills related to understanding and measuring the mechanical properties of materials.
5. The ability to describe the effect of diffusion on the chemical composition and mechanical properties of crystalline materials, and to solve one-dimensional problems.
6. The ability to determine the phases, ratios, and compositions of crystalline materials using binary phase diagrams.
7. The ability to reason about problems related to the kinetics of phase transformations using solidification and diffusion principles in alloy systems.
8. The ability to establish and interpret structure-property relationships in metals, ceramics, polymers, and composite materials.
9. The ability to recognize types of corrosion and make recommendations on protection methods.
Pre-requisite(s) There are no prerequisites for this course.
Required Facilities
Textbook Materials Science and Engineering-An Introduction, W. D. Callister Jr., John Wiley & Sons, 2000
Other References The Science and Engineering of Materials, D.R. Askeland, PWS Pub. Co., 1994

Principles of Materials Science and Engineering, W.F. Smith, McGraw Hill, 1996

Malzeme Bilgisi Cilt 1 ve 2, H.J. Bargel, G. Schulze (Çev. Ş. Güleç, A. Aran), İTÜ Makine Fakültesi Ofset Atölyesi, 1993

Malzeme Bilgisi ve Muayenesi, T. Savaşkan, Derya Kitabevi, 2000

Malzeme Bilimi, K. Onaran, Bilim Teknik Kitabevi, 1993
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