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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Termodinamik
English Thermodynamics
Course Code
TER 201 Credit Lecture
Semester 4
3 3 - -
Course Language Turkish
Course Coordinator Halil Saraçoğlu
Halil Saraçoğlu
Course Objectives 1. To introduce the principles of thermodynamics related to the conversion of energy from one form to another.
2. To introduce the pure substance through the phase change processes in order to establish the relationships among
thermodynamics properties and how to use thermodynamic property tables.
3. To introduce the first law of thermodynamics with the Energy Conservation Principle and their application in both
closed and open systems.
4. To introduce the second law of thermodynamics with the concept of Entropy and Degradation of Energy during the
energy transfer in order to determine the theoretical limits for the performance of engineering systems.
5. To introduce the basic concepts of thermodynamics for the analysis of practical engineering problems.
Course Description Introduction and Basic Concepts: Thermodynamics and Energy, Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics, Energy
Conversion and General Energy Analysis, Properties of Pure Substances, Energy Analysis of Closed
Systems, Mass and Energy Analysis of Control Volumes, The Second Law of Thermodynamics: Heat
Engines, Refrigerators and Heat Pumps, The Carnot Cycle, Entropy and The Increase of Entropy Principle,
Exergy: A Measure of Work Potantial
Course Outcomes Students who pass the course will be able to
I. To understand the concept of thermodynamics as the energy transformation.
II. To utilize the everyday engineering example about energy transformation.
III. To use the relationship between the thermodynamics properties.
IV. To use the thermodynamic tables in engineering calculations.
V. To understand and apply the Conservation of Energy Principle or First Law of Thermodynamics.
VI. To solve the problems involving the open and closed systems, and to use the ideal gas equation.
VII. To understand and apply the second law of thermodynamics.
VIII. To solve the problems involving the performance of the engineering systems.
Pre-requisite(s) None
Required Facilities
Textbook Thermodynamics, An Engineering Approach, 6th Ed., Y.A. Çengel, M.A. Boles, McGraw-
Hill, 2007.
Other References Fundamentals of Engineering Thermodynamics, M.J. Moran ve H.N. Shapiro, 6th Ed.,
John Wiley&Sons, 2008.
Thermodynamics, K.Wark ve D.E. Richards, 6th Ed., McGraw-Hill, 1999.
Thermodynamics, R.T. Balmer, West Publ., St Paul, 1990.
Thermodynamics, W.Z. Black ve G. Hartley, Harper and Row, 1985.
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