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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Transport Process in Bioengineering
English Transport Process in Bioengineering
Course Code
BEN 352 Credit Lecture
Semester 5
3 3 - -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Şerife Birgül Ersolmaz
Course Objectives Analysis of physical processes such as mass transfer, fluid flow and heat transfer, used to modify physical characteristics, placement or general usefulness of biological products or systems.
Course Description Introduction to basic principles of fluid mechanics and energy and mass transport with emphasis on applications to living systems and biomedical devices. Mathematical models of diffusion and transport are developed and applied to relevant bioengineering problems such as arterial transport, microdialysis, artificial kidney design, and sustained drug delivery.
Course Outcomes Upon completing this course, students will be able to:
1. Derive model equations for fluid, energy, and mass transport.
2. Apply appropriate boundary conditions to momentum, heat and mass transfer problems.
3. Apply transport equations to biological processes.
4. Use analytical and numerical methods to solve differential equations related to transport problems.
Required Facilities
Textbook Transport Phenomena in Biological Systems, George A. Truskey, Fan Yuan, and David F. Katz, Pearson-Prentice Hall, 2004
Other References Transport Phenomena, 2nd Edition – R. B. Bird, W. E. Stewart, and E. N. Lightfoot (BSL)

Heat and Mass Transfer: Fundamentals and Applications, 4th Edition, Yunus A. Çengel and Afshin J. Ghajar, McGraw Hill, 2011

Fundamental of Heat and Mass Transfer, 6th edition – F. P. Incropera, D. P. Dewitt, T. L. Bergman, A. S. Lavine, John Wiley & Sons, 2007.
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