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Where Am I: Ninova / Courses / Faculty of Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering / MET 378 - Demir Dışı Müh. Alaşımları


Course Objectives

Non ferrous metals and alloys course is an important engineering course for engineers in order to make alloys. In light of other engineering courses, this course emphasizes on
• Alloy making theories and stuctural elements of alloys
• Atomic structure,-Crystal structure of alloys
• Alloying theories.
• Solute solution alloys. Limited solution alloys. Intermediate solution alloys. Substitutional solute solution alloys.
• Metastable phases. Intermetallic compounds. Covalent compounds.
• Aluminium alloys and preparing techniques, Copper base alloys and preparing techniques, Zinc alloys and the other nonferrous alloying systems (Magnesium, Nickel, Titanium,…etc.)

Course Description

This course will offer an introduction to the concept of alloy and alloying. The course will include the what is alloy, atomic structure, periodic table, the application of chemical bonding theories on metals, valence bonding and chemical bonding in metal and alloys,metallic alloy theories, crystal structrues of intermetallic phases and dimension analysis, alloy atandards and world wide applications, Aluminum, copper, zinc, titanium, nickel alloys

Course Coordinator
İsmail Yılmaz Taptık
Course Language
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