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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Gıda Ambalajlama
English Food Packaging
Course Code
GID 316E Credit Lecture
Semester 2
3 3 - -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Gürbüz Güneş
Course Objectives 1 - Demonstrate a basic knowledge on physical and chemical properties and different types of food packaging materials, food packaging techniques
2 - Application of this knowledge to protect food products till they reach to the final consumer
3 - Application of this knowledge to choose appropriate packaging material with a particular particular emphasis on the effect of food packaging on consumer preference and acceptance.
Course Description Essential functions of packaging, factors causing food spoilage, physical, chemical and quality properties, types, and utilization of paper-, glass-, metal- and plastic based packaging materials, multi-layer combinations, examples of food packaging, bar-code system in packaging, packages and recycling.
Course Outcomes 1 - Demonstrate a basic knowledge on physical and chemical properties of food packaging materials
2 - Demonstrate a basic knowledge on the function of food packaging to protect food products.
3 - Develop an ¬awareness of the significance of food packaging on consumer preference and acceptance.
4 - Demonstrate an awareness of how and what is learned in the classroom applies to industry.
5 - Demonstrate an ability to read in English.
6 - Demonstrate an openness to new ideas.
7 - Plan and deliver presentation effectively.
8 - Demonstrate an ability to synthesize and integrate information
9 - Demonstrate responsibility to create own learning opportunities.
10 - Apply principles and generalizations already learned to new problems and situations.
Required Facilities
Textbook Gordon L. Robertson 2013. Food Packaging Principles and Practice CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.
Other References Lee, Dong Sun; Yam, Kit L. ve Piergiovanni, Luciano. 2008. Food Packaging Science and Technology. Taylor & Francis. Boca Raton, ABD.

Coles, R., McDowell, D. ve Kirwan, M.J. 2003. Food Packaging Technology. Blacwell Publishing Inc., Oxford, England.
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