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KMM 412E - Chemical Technologies

Course Objectives

To prepare students who:
1. have knowledge in the field of organic and inorganic chemical process technologies
2. have sufficient skills in the analysis and use of process flow diagrams
3. are capable to identify, formulate and solve problems in the field of chemical technology employing the skills of critical thinking and creative problem solving
4. have sufficient skills to search for information in the library and on the internet.
5. are interested and motivated, for life-long learning.
6. are aware of the importance of protecting the public interest, health, safety and environment and maintaining the highest ethical and professional standards towards community

Course Description

Introduction to Chemical Technologies. Raw Materials. Chemical technology and ethical issues. Coal and conversion processes: carbonization, gasification and liquefaction. Crude Oil Refining Technologies. Petrochemical Process Technologies. Natural Gas Process Technologies. Purification of Industrial Gases. Synthesis of Bulk Organic Chemicals. Biotechnology-Biotechnology-Based Industrial Products. Citric Acid, Lactic Acid, Bioethanol Production. Ammonia and Urea Production Technologies. Fertilizer Production Technologies. Sulfuric Acid Production Processes. Nitric Acid Production Processes. Industrial Crystallization. Process Technologies for Production of Inorganic Salts: Sodium Chloride and Sodium Sulfate.

Course Coordinator
Ramazan Kızıl
Course Language
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