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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Malzeme Karakterizasyon Met.
English Materials Characterization Methods
Course Code
MET 337 Credit Lecture
Semester -
- 3 - -
Course Language Turkish
Course Coordinator Erdem Demirkesen
Course Objectives 1. To explain the principles of x-ray diffraction
2. To explain Fundamentals of phase and crystal structure analyses by x-rays
3. To introduce specimen preparation techniques for optical microscopy
4. To explain the principles of microstructure analysis for ferro and non-ferrous alloys
5. To explain the principles and use of thermal analysis techniques
Course Description Production and properties of x-rays. X-ray diffraction from crystals, direction and intensities of diffracted beams. Diffraction techniques. Phase and chemicak analysis by x-rays. Specimen preparation and examination methods for optical microscopy. Structure analysis for ferrous and non-ferrous alloys. Principles of thermal analysis, differential thermal analysis, differential scanning calorimetry, thermogravimetric analysis.
Course Outcomes Students who pass the course will be able to;
1. Do preparation specimen for optical microscopy
2. Do qualitative microstructure analysis for ferrous and non-ferrous alloys
3. Use x-ray diffraction methods
4. Do phase and chemical analysis by x-rays
5. Do thermal analysis for materials characterization
Pre-requisite(s) MET 213 or MET 213E
Required Facilities
Textbook Malzeme Karakterizasyonu Course Notes, Prof. Dr. Erdem Demirkesen
Other References 1. A.E. Geçkinli, Metalografi, 1.kısım, İTÜ yayını, 1989.
2. B.D.Cullity, Elements of X-Ray Diffraction, Addison-Wesley Publishing Inc, 1978
3. Robert F. Speyer, Thermal Analysis of Materials, Marcel Dekker Inc. 1994
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