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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Enerji İletim Sistemleri
English Power Transmission Systems
Course Code
ELK 322 Credit Lecture
Semester 6
3 3 - -
Course Language Turkish
Course Coordinator Canan Karatekin
Course Objectives 1. Power system components.
2. Power in single and three-phase systems.
3. Transmission systems parameters.
4. Steady-state and transient analysis of transmission systems.
6. System protection and stability.
Course Description Basic concepts. RLC parameters of transmission lines. Modeling of AC transmission systems. Steady-state
and transient analysis of power transmission systems. Network matrices and power flow analysis. Analysis
of faulted power systems. Symmetrical components and unbalanced fault analysis. Protection of power
transmission systems. Power system stability. FACT.
Course Outcomes i. Identify the power system operation.
ii. Identify power definitions and equations.
iii.Determine transmission system parameters.
iv. Model and analyze the power transmission systems.
v. Analyze and understand the faulted power systems.
vi. Design protection systems for transmission network.
vii. Understanding the concept of power system stability.
viii.Use of Engineering tools and Write technical reports.
Pre-requisite(s) EHB 232 Circuit and System Analysis MIN DD or EHB 232E MIN DD
Required Facilities
Other References
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