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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Fundamentals of Eng. Dsgn.
English Fundamentals of Eng. Dsgn.
Course Code
EHN 121 Credit Lecture
Semester 2
2 2 - -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator İsmail Serdar Özoğuz
Course Objectives • Inform you what electrical and electronics engineers do and excite you about the field • Enhance your ability to learn • Improve your communication skills • Introduce you to basic electrical engineering concepts, devices and circuits as well as computer software for their simulation.
Course Description Topics covered include introduction to basic engineering design elements, processes, measurements, product and project design and development, with hands-on experiments in a specific major area. Students also learn to use engineering tools for computer-aided design and simulation. Technical writing and oral presentation along with project management skills are emphasized.
Course Outcomes 1) The student will be able to understand engineering in general and electrical and computer engineering in particular.
2) The student will be able to acquire basic handling capabilities of simple circuits containg resistors, diodes, and transistors.
3) The student will be able to analyze and design basic digital circuits, culminating in a more complex project.
4) The student will be able to research and present a contemporary technological topic in electrical or computer engineering.
Pre-requisite(s) -
Required Facilities
Textbook Laboratory Manual and Supplementary Notes: FED 101 – Freshman Engineering Design, Electrical and Computer Engineering Module, by John D. Carpinelli, Mohammed Feknous, and Marek Sosnowski (available via the ECE Department Laboratory web page at http://ecelabs.njit.edu.)
Other References
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