ELK 474E - Power Syst Cntrl & Comm
Course Objectives
i. Modern power system structure and operation.
ii. Power system dynamics and control.
iii. Load shedding and restoration
iv. Basic data communications
iv. Suprvisory control and SCADA systems
vi. SCADA applications in power networks.
Course Description
An Introduction to power system operation, control and management. Modeling of power system dynamics. Computer-based control of power systems. Active power & frequency control. Automatic generation control. Load shedding and restoration. Voltage & reactive power control. Basic data communications. Communications requirements for modern power systems. Supervisory control. Supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems. SCADA applications in power systems. SCADA system design. Master station, remote terminal unit and communications links. SCADA for distribution automation.
Course Coordinator
Ömer Usta
Ömer Usta
Course Language