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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Ölçme Tekniği ve Algılayıcılar
English Measurement and Sensors
Course Code
KON 218E Credit Lecture
Semester 4
3 2 - 2
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Serhat İkizoğlu
Course Objectives 1. Gaining the ability to apply knowledge of mathematics and engineering principles to solve engineering problems.
2. Gaining the ability to express the highlights when defining a design problem.
3. Ability to analyze and design basic measurement systems.
4. Comprehending the improving effect of team work in developing skills.
5. Gaining the ability to interpret experiment data.
Course Description Static (accuracy, sensitivity, linearity etc.) and dynamic characteristics (loading effect, response time, etc.) of measurement systems. Error types and their analysis. Uncertainty in measurement. Measurable values of electrical signals (Efective value, mean value, etc.). Analogue and digital multimeters: Operating principles, accuracy. Classification of analog measuring instruments: Moving iron, moving coil, thermal instruments, etc. Wattmeters; Power measurement in 1 and 3-phase networks.
Sensor characteristics (accuracy, linearity, repeatability, output impedance, etc.); operating principles of various sensors (pressure, displacement, temperature, magnetic field, proximity, humidity etc.). Experiments about sensors.
Course Outcomes
Required Facilities
Textbook N.B.Northrop, 2018, Introductıon to Instrumentatıon and Measurements, 3rd Edition, CRC Press, Taylor@Francis Group.
Other References Patrick F. Dunn, 2010, Measurement and Data Analysis for Engineering and Science, Taylor and Francis Group.
John P. Bentley, 2005, Principles of Measurement Systems, Pearson Prentice Hall
Ernest O. Doebelin, 2004, Measurement Systems: Application and Design, 5. Edition, Mc Graw Hill.
W.Bolton, 1998, Measurement & Instrumentation Systems, Butterworth-Heinemann.
D.A.Bell, 2003, Electronic Instrumentation and Measurements, Prentice-Hall.
Hasan Önal, 1991, Ölçme Tekniği, ITÜ.
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