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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Kontrol ve Otomasyon Müh. Etik
English Ethics
Course Code
KON 101 Credit Lecture
Semester 1
1 1 - -
Course Language Turkish
Course Coordinator Mustafa Doğan
Gökçen Devlet Şen
Course Objectives Teaching the principles of control and automation engineering ethics on the basis of universal ethical principles and values, and on the basis of their assessment of professional responsibility and risks. Questioning to the ability of global awareness and career.
Course Description Introduction to the concept of ethics and its history. Introducing the philosophy of ethics and related concepts. Professional and engineering ethics, principles and standards. Examples from international engineering institutions (IEEE and World Engineers Association, etc.). Analysis of the major engineering accidents in history. Interactive analysis of various case studies.
Course Outcomes Students who successfully completed this course will be able to
I. Identification and interpretation of the concepts of ethics.
II. Understanding the concept of individual freedom and universal ethics
III. Recognition ethical decision-making processes
IV. Learning the principles of engineering and engineering ethics.
V. Understanding and interpretation of professional responsibility
VI. Assessment of occupational risks
Required Facilities
Textbook -Control and Automation Engineering Ethics Lecture Notes
Other References - Platon, Sokrates’in Savunması, Kabalcı, 2006.
-Aristoteles, Nikomakhos’a Etik, Bilgesu, 2014.
-Seneca, Ruh Dinginliği Üzerine, Doğu Batı, 2014.
-Aiskhülos, Oresteia, Mitos/Boyut, 2010.
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