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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Elektronik I
English Electronics I
Course Code
EHB 231E Credit Lecture
Semester 3
3 3 - -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Onur Kurt
Course Objectives This course aims to give the following abilities to the students:
1. Conduction mechanism in solid materials,
2. Transistor models and biasing,
3. Basic switch applications of transistors.
Course Description Conduction. Semiconductors, carriers, p-type and -type doping, drift and diffusion mechanisms, physical structure and behavior of the pn junction. Ideal diode, practical diode, electrical behavior and current-voltage curve. Diode model. DC analysis methods for diode circuits (constant voltage drop model, fixed point iteration with the exponential model).
Small signal approximation, diode small signal equivalent and AC analysis of the diode circuits, DC power supply design (rectifiers, analysis of the topology with filter capacitor). Zener diode and regulation. Body resistance and parasitic capacitors. Other diode types. Physical structure and behavior of the bipolar-junction transistor (BJT), the Early phenomenon, BJT operation regions, electrical model (Ebers-Moll) and characteristics. DC biasing and thermal stability of BJT circuits. Physical structure and behavior of MOSFET, operation regions, characteristics, important secondary effects (channel length modulation, body effect). DC biasing and thermal stability of MOSFET circuits. Switching applications of BJT and MOSFET, the conceptual usage in digital circuits.
Course Outcomes Students who pass the course will be able to:
I. Analyze conduction problems in solid materials.
II. Analyze diode circuits using diode models.
III. Analyze electronics circuits using BJT models and BJTDC biasing.
IV. Analyze electronics circuits using MOS models and MOSFETDC biasing.
V. Analyze the switch behavior of the BJT and MOSFETs.
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