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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Elektrik Tesisleri Projesi
English Electrical Installation Project
Course Code
ELK 484 Credit Lecture
Semester -
3 3 - -
Course Language Turkish
Course Coordinator Ayşen Demirören
Course Objectives i. Primary and secondary distribution system design.
ii. Selection of the equipments.
iii. Distribution system analysis.
Course Description The steps of an electrification project of a settlement area. Design of a 34.5-kV overhead line and ring-type netvvork of underground cables providing connection to a feeder automation system (design of primary distribution system). Design of Low-voltage distribution lines (design of secondary distribution system) Electrical and mechanical calculations of the entire netvvork are carried out by each student individually. AH calculations and one-line diagram of the distribution netvvork are documented in a report Preparing of the list of equipments and materials used in the project.
Course Outcomes At the end of the course students should be able to -design primary and secondary distribution system. -understand the fundamentals of distribution systems. -analyze and understand the faulted distribution systems. -have a knovvledge of distribution system devices. -have a knowledge of using manufacturer's catalogs.
Required Facilities
Textbook 1. E. Lakervi, EJ. Holmes, Electricity Distribution Netvvork Design,
Peter Peregrinus Ltd., 1995.
2. VVilliam H.Kersting, Ditribution System Modeling and Analysis,
CRC press, 2002.
3. Atilla Yunusoğlu, Orta Gerilim Enerji Nakil hatları, cilt 1, 2,
Ankara 1995.
Other References 1. 35 kV 3AVVG (SvVALLOVV) II. Bölge E.N. Hattı Tip projesi, EMO,
2. N. Alperoz, Elektrik Enerjisi Dağıtımı, Nesil Matbaacılık, 1987.
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