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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Elektrik Tesislerinde Koruma Tek
English Protection Techniques in Electrical Installations
Course Code
ELK 464 Credit Lecture
Semester 8
3 3 - -
Course Language Turkish
Course Coordinator Hatice Lale Zeynelgil
Hatice Lale Zeynelgil
Course Objectives i. To introduce of protection methods.
ii. To introducce of protection devices.
iii. Fault analysis in power systems.
iv. Coordination of protection devices.
Course Description Introduction to Power System Protection. Network faults, their types and fault detection. Results of faults. Thermal and dynamic effects of faults. Components of protection. System Grounding. Instrument transformers for relaying. Methods of protection. Protection of motors, generators and transformers. Network protection. Protection of Medium- and low-voltage distribution systems. Protection coordination.
Course Outcomes At the end of the course students should be able to
-identify the protection devices.
-understand the fundamentals of protection systems.
-analyze and understand the faulted power systems.
-have knowledge of system grounding.
-have knowledge of selectivity.
Pre-requisite(s) None
Required Facilities None
Other It is necessary to participate to TWO OF MIDTERM STUDİES AT LEAST for taking final exam.
Textbook 1. Y.G. Paithankar, Transmission Network Protection, Theory and Practice, Marcel Dekker, Inc., 1998
2. M. Titarenko, I. Naskov-Dukelsky, Protective Relaying in Electric Power Systems, Peace Publishers, 1998
3. A. Wright, C. Christopoulos, Electric Power System Protection, Chapman & Hall, 1993
4. B.M.Weedy,B.J. Cory, Electric Power Systems, John Wlley&Sons Ltd., 1999
5. E.Lakervi, E.J.Holmes, Electricity Distribution Network Design, Peter Peregrinus Ltd., 1995
Other References 1. M. Bayram, İ. İlisu, Elektrik Tesislerinde Güvenlik ve Koruma, TMMOB EMO, 2004.
2. Handbooks
3. Siemens Handbook
4. Elektrik Tesislerinde Topraklamalar Yönetmeliği, ETKB, 2001
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