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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Veri Toplama ve Gömülü Sistemler
English Data Acquisition&Embedded Syst
Course Code
ELK 346E Credit Lecture
Semester 6
3 3 - -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Tahir Çetin Akıncı
Course Objectives 1. To learn Fixed and Mobile Detection Systems and Data Collection Systems.
2. To create data acquisition circuits with Smart Sensors and Transducer.
3. Design and implement with Serial-Parallel, USB and PCI data acquisition card elements.
4. Embedded system printed circuit board (PCB), to design and implement.
5. Embedded system software design and implementation.
6. Analyze collected data using mathematical relations.
7. Write code and interface with open code software for analysis of collected data.
Course Description Sensor and transducer concepts, characteristic features. Selection of suitable hardware-software in a real industrial application. Electrical-electronic equipment required for collection of data. Wired and wireless data collection and transmission. Filtering of data, classification and visualization with mathematical analysis methods. Embedded System hardware and software design and applications. Noise reduction, isolation and floating data collection systems. Open source software based interface creation. Analysis of open source software based data. Vibration, sound measurement and analysis.
Course Outcomes Students who pass this lecture will be able to:
1. Comprehensive information on Fixed and Mobile Detection Systems and Data Collection Systems
2. Ability to design data acquisition systems with Intelligent Transducers and Sensors
3. Comprehensive information on Bluetooth, TCP-IP-Wireless, RF and RFID systems
4. Ability to design Serial-Parallel, USB and PCI Embedded Data Acquisition Card and its application
5. Ability to analyze collected data using mathematical relations
6. Designing interfaces for data acquisition systems using open-source software
Pre-requisite(s) -
Required Facilities -
Other -
Textbook 1- Data Acquisition Systems, Maurizio Di Paolo Emilio, Springer, 2013.
2- Embedded and Real Time Operating Systems, K.C. Wang, Springer, 2017.
Other References 1-Data Acquisition and Process Control Using Personal Computers,Tarik Ozkul,
Marcel Dekker, 2017.
2- Software Development (The Open-Source Approach), Ivan Cibrario Bertolotti;
Tingting Hu, CRC Press, 2016.
3-Embedded Systems with ARM Cortex-M Microcontrollers in Assembly Language
and C: Third Edition, Yifeng Zhu, E-Man Press LCC, 2017.
4- Programming with MicroPython, Nicholas H. Tollervey, O’Reilly Media, 2018.
5- Real-time embedded components and systems: with Linux and RTOS, Pratt, John; Siewert, Sam, Mercury Learning and Information, 2016.
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