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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Mikrodalga Mühendisliği
English Microwave Engineering
Course Code
EHB 362E Credit Lecture
Semester -
3 3 - -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Mehmet Nuri Akıncı
Course Objectives Transmission line theory, equivalent circuit model, transmission line parameters and
Telegrapher equations, transmission lines in sinusoidal state, voltage and current
waves, terminated lossless and lossy transmission lines and their special cases, power
transmission, The Smith Chart, transients on a transmission line, impedance matching,
microwave network analysis using scattering parameters, power dividers and
directional couplers, microwave resonators, dynamic range and source of noise in
microwave circuits
Course Description Transmission line theory, equivalent circuit model, transmission line parameters and
Telegrapher equations, transmission lines in sinusoidal state, voltage and current
waves, terminated lossless and lossy transmission lines and their special cases, power
transmission, The Smith Chart, transients on a transmission line, impedance matching,
microwave network analysis using scattering parameters, power dividers and
directional couplers, microwave resonators, dynamic range and source of noise in
microwave circuits
Course Outcomes Students who pass the course will be able to:
1. Analyze the TEM mode transmission line for current and voltage in frequency and
time domain.
2. Use Smith Chart.
3. Know the pulse transmission on lines.
4. Design an impedance matching circuit.
5. Analyze the circuits by S parameters
6. Know microwave resonators, power dividers and directional couplers.
7. Know dynamic range and source of noise in microwave circuits
Required Facilities
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