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Where Am I: Ninova / Courses / Faculty of Electrical and Electronic Engineering / KON 309E - Mikrokontrolör Sistemleri

KON 309E - Microcontroller Systems

Course Objectives

Learn the internal structure of microcontroller systems.
Program using contemporary development environments and the 'C' language
Introduction to peripheral evices, their application methods (timer, communication, data converters etc.)
Design and implementation of real-time systems using interrupts and timers
Familiarization to the tools and processes of debugging and commissioning.
Be able to design simple microcontroller systems to specification through laboratory work.
Provide experience for students to work in groups.
Experience in writing scientific reports.

Course Description

Design and applications of microcontroller based systems. Gain experience in contemporary hardware and software tools. Realization of control applications in microcontroller applications. Design microcontroller systems to specification.

Course Coordinator
Ahmet Onat
Course Language
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