Course Name
Turkish |
Elektrik Devre Temelleri
English |
Basics of Electrical Circuits |
Course Code
EEF 211E |
Credit |
(hour/week) |
(hour/week) |
(hour/week) |
Semester |
3 |
3 |
- |
- |
Course Language |
English |
Course Coordinator |
Duygu Bayram Kara
Course Objectives |
1. To provide an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering to Electronics and communication Engineering problems
2. To provide the concepts of Electric circuits, models and Circuits elements
3. To give an ability to apply knowledge of basic electrical circuit analysis
Course Description |
Electric circuits, Models and Circuits elements. Kirchhoff’s laws: Kirchhoff’s voltage law and Kirchhoff’s current law. Graph theory, element graph: Branch currents, branch voltages, Graph matrices. Tellegen Theorem and Conservation of energy. Two terminal elements: resistor, capacitor and inductor. Independent sources, dependent sources. Three terminal elements: Gyrator, transistor, transformer. Nonlinear elements Linearized models. Node voltage method and mesh current method for resistive circuits. Thevenin and Norton equivalent circuits. RLC circuits: First order and second order circuits. State equation and state variables for linear time invariant circuits. Solution of second order state equations.
Course Outcomes |
I. To learn 2-ports and multi-ports elements in electrical circuits
II. To learn Kirchoff’s current and voltages laws
III. To make analysis of resistor circuits using node voltage and mesh current methods
IV. To learn linearized model of the nonlinear elements
V. To learn analysis of second order RLC circuits |
Pre-requisite(s) |
Required Facilities |
Other |
Textbook |
Lineear and Nonlinear Circuits L.O.Chua, C.A. Desoer,E.S. Kuh 1987-McGraw Hill |
Other References |
1- Elektrik Devrelerinin Analizi Prof. Dr. Cevdet Acar 1995-İTÜ Elektrik-Elektronik Fak.
2- Devre Analizi dersleri KısımI, Tokad 1986-Çağlayan Kitabevi
3-Electric Cuircuits J.W. Nilsson 1994 Adison-Wesley-literature
4-Analysis of Linear Circuits Clayton R.Poul McGraw-Hill |