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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Bilgisayar Kontrollü Sistemler
English Computer Controlled Systems
Course Code
KON 306 Credit Lecture
Semester 6
3 3 1 -
Course Language Turkish
Course Coordinator Ahmet Onat
Course Objectives 1. To teach students the basic principles of computer controlled systems
2. To train on how to obtain the discrete model of a system and how to analysis of the performance of a computer controlled systems
3. To train students on how to apply knowledge of control system analysis and design to computer controlled system design problems,
4. To train students on the design methods for the computer control of systems.
Course Description Introduction to computer controlled systems.
Sample and hold operations, A/D and D/A converters.
Discrete-time models of continuous systems;
Difference equations, z-transformations, discrete transfer functions.
Stability and time domain performance analysis.
Direct Digital controller design methods;
Design using root locus.
Frequency domain analysis of digital control systems. Direct digital controller desig in Frequency domain.
Designing discrete-time controllers by using continuous time controllers and digital controller design methods.
Simulation and implementation of control algorithms.
Course Outcomes 1. Demonstrate knowledge on basic principles of computer controlled systems
2. Obtain discrete time model of a system and analyse ıts performance
3. Application of analysis and design methods from continuous time control systems
4. Design and implementation of digital controllers
5. Usage of computers for analysis and design of computer controlled systems
Pre-requisite(s) KON 313 MIN DD
or KON 313E MIN DD
Required Facilities
Other To qualify for taking the final exam, the weighted average of the midterm exam and quizes must be greater than or equal to 20%
Textbook K. Ogata, 1995, Discrete-Time Control Systems, Prentice Hall
Other References 1. B. Wittenmark, K. J. Astrom, 1996, Computer Controlled Systems: Theory and Design, Prentice Hall.
2. R. J. Vacarro, 1995, Digital Control, McGraw-Hill.
3. B. C. KUO, 1992, Digital Control Systems, Saunders HBJ
4. M. Kemal Sarıoğlu, Yücel Aydın, "Dijital Kontrol Sistemleri"
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