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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish İşaret İşleme ve Lineer Sistemler
English Signal Processing&Linear Syst.
Course Code
EEF 206E Credit Lecture
Semester -
4 4 - -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Duygu Bayram Kara
Course Objectives 1. To provide information on the properties and classification of continuous-time
and discrete-time signals
2. To provide information on the frequency and transform domain analysis of
continuous-time and discrete-time linear systems
3. To provide information on the fundamental applications of these concepts in
Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Course Description Introduction to continuous-time (CT) signals and systems; Classification of CT signals
and important CT signals; CT system properties; CT linear time invariant (LTI) systems:
impulse response, CT convolution integral, differential equations; CT Fourier series
expansion (CTFS); CT Fourier transform (CTFT); Relationship between CTFT and CTFS;
Laplace transform; Transform domain analysis of CT- LTI systems; Sampling and
sampling theorem; Uniform Quantization; Introduction to discrete-time (DT) signals
and systems; Classification of DT signals and important DT signals; DT system
properties; DT-LTI systems; Time domain representations of DT-LTI systems: impulse
response, DT convolution sum, difference equations; DT Fourier series expansion
(DTFS); DT Fourier transform (CTFT); Relationship between DTFT and DTFS; ztransform;
Transform domain analysis of DT- LTI systems; Telecommunication
applications; Modulation and demodulation; Filtering; Multidimensional signals;
Image processing applications.
Course Outcomes
Required Facilities
Other References
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