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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Aydınlatma Tekniği
English IlluminIllumination Techniquestion Techniques
Course Code
ELK 307E Credit Lecture
Semester 5
2 1 2 -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Cavit Fatih Küçüktezcan
Cavit Fatih Küçüktezcan
Course Objectives 1. Teach the concepts related to light, radiation and color; eye and vision; photometric quantities; laws of illumination; physiological-optical principles.
2. Give basic principles and the concepts related to light sources and luminaries and different entities of illuminating systems.
3. Teach how a general illumination design and lighting calculations can be carried out and applied, and make acquire the students the skill of realize the necessary lighting calculation for a simple system.
Course Description Light and vision, photometric quantities and laws, physiological-optical fundamentals, the principles of the light production, light sources, the illumination devices, the components of illumination, Lighting Computation, Voltage drops and the calculations of conductor cross sections.
Course Outcomes Students who pass the course will be able to:
i. Understand and use the concepts related to light, radiation and color; eye and vision; photometric quantities; laws of illumination; physiological-optical principles.
ii. Understand the concepts related to the light production, the distribution of light and the economy of light and comprehend the effects of light on organic and inorganic materials.
iii. Understand light sources and luminaries and different entities of illuminating systems.
iv. Learn how a general illumination design and lighting calculations can be carried out and applied, and realize the necessary lighting calculation for a simple system (office, building).
v. Get an improvement for understanding the subjects of indoor lighting projects.
vi. Use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools and technical report writing necessary for all these requirements.
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