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Where Am I: Ninova / Courses / Faculty of Electrical and Electronic Engineering / KON 307E - Kontrolde Programlama Teknikleri

KON 307E - Programming Techniq.in Control

Course Objectives

1. To realize the importance of programming and computer software in control
2. To gain the ability to program in MATLAB and Simulink environments
3. To teach the use of computer software in control applications
4. To provide experience for students to work in groups and prepare comprehensive reports.

Course Description

Introduction to programming in control, MATLAB user interface and basic programming techniques, object-oriented programming, mathematics applications, error concept in numerical methods, machine precision and round-off errors, special functions for control systems in MATLAB, Simulink user interface, selection of simulation parameters, basic simulation blocks, analysis of open/closed-loop control systems in Simulink, modeling of the systems via Simscape library, design with Simulink control system design toolbox (sisotool), numerical optimization and MATLAB optimization toolbox, optimization based system identification, model order reduction and controller design, finite state machines and Simulink Stateflow charts, embedded coder and embedded programming applications in MATLAB/Simulink.

Course Coordinator
Emre Dincel
Course Language
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