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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Elektrik Devre Temelleri
English Basic of Electrical Circuits
Course Code
EHB 211E Credit Lecture
Semester -
3 3 - -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Nizamettin Aydın
Course Objectives Students will be able to analyze wide range of pure resistive DC circuits using the different techniques covered through-out the course, gain hands-on experience in DC circuit problem solving tricks and shortcuts, utilize the Thevenin theorem as a core tool in circuit analysis, analyze RL, RC, and RLC circuits with the proper tools, carry power consumption calculation for different components in a DC circuit, design, simulate, and implement Basic DC circuits.
Course Description 1. Introduction. 
Lumped circuit elements, Levels of abstraction, What are the circuits?, Course objectives.
2. Basic Concepts. 
Units, Charge, Current, Voltage, Power, Conservation of Energy, Circuit Elements, Networks vs. Circuits, Ohm’s Law, .
3. Voltage and Current Laws. 
Circuit Terminology, Kirchhoff’s Current Law, Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law, The Single-Loop Circuit, Conservation of Energy, The Single-Node-Pair Circuit, Series Circuits, Parallel Circuits, Voltage Division, Current Division.
4. Nodal and Mesh Analysis.
Nodal (or “Node-Voltage”) Analysis, Nodal Analysis with Supernodes, Mesh (Current) Analysis, Mesh Analysis with Supermeshes, Equivalent Practical Sources.
5. Linearity & Superposition.
Linearity, Superposition, Superposition: Voltage Sources, Superposition: Current Sources, Practical Voltage Sources, Practical Current Sources.
6. Thevenin & Norton Equivalents.
Thevenin Equivalent, Power from a Practical Source, Maximum Power Transfer .
7. The Operational Amplifier.
The Operational Amplifier, Inverting Amplifier, Noninverting Amplifier, Voltage Follower, Summing Amplifier, Difference Amplifier, Op-Amp Cascades, Op-Amp Parameters, Common Mode Rejection, Saturation, An instrumentation amplifier.
8. Capacitors and Inductors. 
Capacitance, Capacitor Current & Voltage, Capacitor Characteristics, Inductance, Inductor Current & Voltage, Inductor Characteristics, Inductor Energy Storage, DC Capacitor Circuits, DC Inductor Circuits.
9. Basic RL and RC Circuits. 
The Source-Free RL Circuit, The Source-Free RC Circuit, Unit-Step Definition, Driven RL Circuit, Driven RC Circuit.
10. RLC Circuits. 
Parallel RLC Circuit, Series RLC Circuit, RLC Solution: Over-damped, RLC Solution: Critically Damped, RLC Solution: Under-damped, The Complete Response Of The RLC Circuit.
11. AC Analysis.
Complex numbers, phasors, impedance, admittance, Sinusoidal steady-state; Ohm’s Law, KVL, KCL for AC circuits, Sinusoidal steady-state: Thevenin, superposition, examples.
12. The Frequency Response. 
Frequency response: transfer function, logarithms, Bode plots.
Frequency response: resonance, passive & active filter design
13. Laplace Transform. 
Laplace: introduction to transforms, inverse transform.
Laplace: theorems, solving differential equations
14. s-Domain analysis
s-Domain analysis: transfer functions, poles, zeroes.
s-Domain analysis: nodal, mesh, additional techniques
Course Outcomes
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