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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Haberleşme II
English Communications II
Course Code
EHB 308 Credit Lecture
Semester 6
3 - - -
Course Language Turkish
Course Coordinator İbrahim Altunbaş
Course Objectives 1. Understanding the basic concepts for the analysis of baseband and bandpass digital communication techniques and systems

2. Acquiring the ability to design advanced digital communication systems and learning performance analysis methods.

3. Having competence in entropy, channel capacity and channel coding concepts
Course Description Introduction. PCM, PCM hierarchy structures, synchronous digital hierarchy. Noise analysis in PCM. Simple line codes. Binary and multi-level baseband data transmission, intersymbol interference, Nyquist pulse shaping. Optimum (matched filter, correlator) receivers for AWGN channel, error performance analysis. Binary and multi-level bandpass data transmission, bandpass digital modulation techniques, amplitude, frequency and phase shift keying (ASK, FSK, PSK), quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM), signal constellation, optimum (matched filter, correlator) receivers for AWGN channel, error performance analysis. Differential modulation/demodulation. Information and entropy concepts, Introduction to source coding. Channel capacity concept, Shannon theorem. Introduction to channel coding, simple block codes.
Course Outcomes Students who pass the course will be able to:

I. Learn PCM hierarchy structures and simple line codes.
II. Learn binary and multi-level baseband and bandpass modulation/demodulation techniques.
III. Recognize the conditions which prevent intersymbol-interference in band-limited channels.
IV. Design optimum receivers for AWGN channel.
V. Evaluate the error performances of binary and multi-level baseband digital modulation systems under noise.
VI. Evaluate the error performances of binary and multi-level bandpass digital modulation systems under noise.
VII. Have competence in differential modulation/demodulation.
VIII. Have competence in the concepts of entropy, channel capacity, source and channel coding.
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