EEF 211E - Basics of Electrical Circuits
Course Objectives
1. To provide an ability to apply mathematics, science and engineering concepts to
electrical engineering and electronics and communication engineering problems
2. To acquire the concept of modeling electric circuits and elements.
3. To provide competence on the basics of electrical circuit analysis
Course Description
Physical Electric circuits. Modeling of electrical circuits elements. Power and energy
function. Active and passive elements. Axioms of Circuit theory and undefined
variables. Kirchhoff’s laws: Current and voltage equations. Basics of graf theory,
circuit graphs and graph matrices. Tellegen Theorem. Two and multi-terminal
elements: resistor, capacitor, inductor, memristor. Chord Current, Branch Voltage,
Node voltage and Mesh current methods for resistive circuits. Analysis of Nonlinear
resistive circuits: Operating points, small signal equivalent circuit. Thevenin and
Norton theorems. Analysis of dynamic (RLC) circuits: State equations. Zero-input,
zero-state and complete solution of first and second order state equations.
Course Coordinator
Bilgi Görkem Yazgaç
Course Language