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EEF 205 - Introduction to Logic Design

Course Objectives

258 / 5.000
1. Teaching the Fundamentals of Logic Systems and Binary Numbers
2. Teaching Boolean Algebra and Logic Gates
3. Teaching Hardware Description Languages
4. Teaching Analysis and Design of Combinational Circuits
5. Teaching Analysis and Design of Synchronous Sequential Circuits

Course Description

Logic Systems and Binary Numbers: Number Systems, Number Base Transformations, Binary Numbers. Definition of Boolean Algebra with Axioms, Fundamental Theorems and Properties. Boolean Functions: Canonical Representations. Logic Gates. Hardware Description Languages ??(HDL). Reduction of Boolean Functions: Quinn McCluskey and Karnaugh Diagram Methods. Universal Gates, Implementations with TÜVE and TÜVEYA. Analysis and Design of Combinational Circuits. Combinational circuit design examples with HDL. Implementations of Boolean Functions using Medium (MSI-elements; Decoders, Encoders, Data Collectors, Data Distributors) and Large Scale Integrated Circuits (LSI-elements, Programmable Logic Elements-PLD (ROM, PAL, PLA)). HDL Models of Boolean Functions using MSI elements as sub-blocks. Memory Elements: Latches, Flip-Flops, HDL Models of SR and D Latch. Analysis and Design of Synchronous Sequential Circuits. HDL Models of Finite State Machines.

Course Coordinator
Ali Bahadır
Course Language
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