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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Endüstriyel Elektronik
English Industrial Electronics
Course Code
EHB 428 Credit Lecture
Semester 7
3 3 - -
Course Language Turkish
Course Coordinator Muhammet Tahir Güneşer
Course Objectives 1.To teach basic information about building blocks in industrial electronics
2.To teach basic points of design stages of building blocks in industrial electronics
3.To teach basic points of design of industrial applications of electronics
Course Description Practical electronic information and circuit elements used in Industrial Electronics, sensors, transducers.
Semiconductor power elements; Industrial Applications of Power Electronics, AC-DC, AC-AC, DC-DC, DC-AC Converters.
Renewable Energy Source Systems, Uninterruptible Power Supplie,
Switched Power Supplies, Induction Heating, Melting,
Motor types, characteristics, comparisons, Electrical Machinery Drivers,
Hybrid Vehicles, Electric Vehicles,
PLC Types, purpose of use and areas, examination of PLC programming structures, PLC Industrial Applications.
Structure and Writing of Control Algorithms: Proportional (P), Proportional-Integral (PI), Proportional-Derivative (PD), On-Off controller, Fuzzy Control, Control with Artificial Neural Networks, Machine Learning, Deep Learning,
LIDAR, RADAR, SONAR, Camera usage, Graphics Card Support,
Unmanned air, land, sea, submarine vehicles, history, classifications, designs.
Course Outcomes 1. Ability to design linear and nonlinear applications of operational amplifiers,
2. Ability to design semiconductor sensors and interpret the electrical signals of sensors
3. Ability to have basic knowledge about industrial applications of electronics
4. Ability to design basic power electronic circuits
Pre-requisite(s) EHB 335/335E min DD
Required Facilities
Textbook M.H.Rashid, Power Electronics: Circuits, Devices and Aplications (Second edition), Prantice Hall, 1993
Endüstriyel Elektronik H. Hakan Kuntman, Birsen Yayınevi, 1998
Other References
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