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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Elektroniğin Temelleri
English Introduction to Electronics
Course Code
EHB 222E Credit Lecture
Semester 3
3 3 - -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Hacer Atar Yıldız
Course Objectives Course Objectives
1. Understanding the behavior of semi-conductor electronic devices and their terminal characteristics,
2. Learning how to bias these devices,
3. Introduction to analog and digital circuits employing these devices.
Course Description Course Description
Semi-conductor basics: concepts and semi-conductor components.
Semiconductor diode; physical structure, terminal characteristics, analysis of diode circuits.
Bipolar junction transistor (BJT); physical structure and operating modes, BJT as a switch; DC biasing,
BJT as an amplifier, small-signal model, basic amplifier circuits.
MOSFET; structure and operating modes, MOSFET as a switch, MOSFET amplifiers.
Operational amplifiers; concepts and application examples.
Course Outcomes Course Outcomes

Students who pass the course successfully
I. Have learned the basic physical behavior of semi-conductor electronic devices,
II. Understand their terminal characteristics,
III. Know how to bias these devices,
IV. Can analyze and design basic electronic circuits employing these devices.
Pre-requisite(s) Pre-requisite(s)
Required Facilities Required Facilities

SPICE can be downloaded from Linear Technology website.
Other Other
During midterm and final exams each student may bring and use an A4 size "copy sheet". This double sided hand prepared copy sheet may contain all formulae the student thinks is important for solving exam problems. HOWEVER the "copy sheet" MAY NOT be a printout or photocopy of someone else's. At the end of the exam period the copy sheet should be turned in along with problem solutions.
No class notes or problem solutions may be used during the exam; anyone attempting to use such material will be penalized.
Please indicate all current directions and voltage polarities on your solution sheets. No one can evaluate what went in your brain without any hint! Thus you may not get any points for solutions with missing steps in calculations.
You may only use a real calculator during the exam, cell phones are not allowed, and should be turned off. Anyone attempting to use his/her cellphone(s) will be strictly penalized.
Be aware of all the UNITS and do not mix them. Also always indiate the units in your solution. You will be penalized for missing units.
Textbook Textbook

Microelectronic Circuits by Adel S. Sedra (Author)
Fundamentals of Microelectronics by Behzad Razavi (Author)
Other References Other References
Elektronik Elemanları, Duran Leblebici, Seç Yayınları, 2001
Elektronik Devreleri , M. Sait Türköz, Birsen Yayınları, 1999.
Elektronik Devreleri I, 5. Baskı, M. Sait Türköz, Birsen Yayınları, 2000.
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