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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Python ile Sayısal Yöntemler
English Numerical Analysis with Python
Course Code
EEF 311E Credit Lecture
Semester 5
3 3 - -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Ahmet Bozkurt
Course Objectives The objective of this course is to enable students to learn the language, logic, and mathematics of numerical methods used in engineering and science. Additionally, the course aims to teach how to apply numerical methods in solving broad-ranging problems encountered in science, industry, and society, as well as to demonstrate how to practically implement numerical methods using Python programming techniques.
Course Description This course aims to provide students with fundamental Python programming skills. It introduces numerical methods and explains their applications, particularly in engineering. Topics covered include solutions to linear and nonlinear systems of equations, approximation methods, interpolation, linear regression, root-finding, numerical differentiation and integration, and initial value problems. The course also focuses on applying these numerical methods using Python programming techniques.
Course Outcomes Upon successful completion of this course, students will:
1. Learn how to effectively use the Python programming language in scientific and engineering computations.
2. Understand the fundamental principles of numerical methods.
3. Develop the ability to apply numerical methods in the analysis of engineering problems.
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