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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Optimal Kontrole Giriş
English Introduction to Optimal Control
Course Code
KON 428E Credit Lecture
Semester -
3 3 - -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Farzad Hashemzadeh
Course Objectives Learning optimization techniques including constraint and unconstraint optimizations. Considering optimal quadratic cost function for linear systems, study how to solve it, and provide optimal control signals.
Course Description Optimization of vector functions and first-order and second-order necessary conditions are considered. Then equality and inequality constraint optimization are taken into account and Lagrange multipliers are employed to solve them. Considering the dynamics of the linear system as a constraint of quadratic optimization functional, optimal control signal is designed
Course Outcomes Introduction to optimal control
Learning required optimization mathematics
Solving unconstraint optimization
Learn to solve constraint optimization
Learn how to code numerical optimizations
Being familiar with the calculus of variations
Learn how to design an LQR controller for linear systems
Pre-requisite(s) Differential Equations, State space concepts of linear system
Required Facilities MATLAB, SIMULINK
Textbook Optimal control theory An introduction, Donald E. KIRK
Other References Calculus of Variations and Optimal Control Theory, Daniel Liberzon
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