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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Fotovoltaik Sistemler
English Photovoltaic Systems
Course Code
ELK 498E Credit Lecture
Semester -
3 3 - -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Deniz Yıldırım
Course Objectives Increasing energy demand, depletable fossil fuels with their adverse effect on the environment and the governmental regulations of clean energy sources lead to an increase usage of photovoltaic systems around the world. With the advantages such as having free and inexhaustible energy source, no mechanical moving parts, no noise, no pollution, very long lifetime and declining prices of PV modules, the market of photovoltaic systems has been steadily growing about 30% a year, reaching to 744MW in 2003. Only a tiny part of the total solar radiation reaching the surface of earth each year is sufficient to supply global electricity demand. The aim of this course is to provide necessary knowledge about the modeling, design and analysis of various PV systems and show that PV is an economically viable, environmentally sustainable alternative to the world's energy supplies.
Course Description Introduction to photovoltaic (PV) systems. Solar energy potential and solar radiation, PV effect, conversion of solar energy into electrical energy, solar cells and basic structure, electrical characteristics of the solar cell, solar cell arrays, PV modules, PV generators, interfacing PV modules to loads, energy storage alternatives for PV systems, power conditioning and maximum power point tracking (MPPT) algorithms, inverter control topologies for stand-alone and grid-connected operation, stand-alone PV systems, grid-connected (utility interactive) PV systems.
Course Outcomes Awareness of students to the feasibility of PV systems as an alternative to the fossil fuels will be gained. The knowledge of the modeling, analysis, design and application of various photovoltaic systems will be acquired by the students. Team work experience will be developed in group projects involving complete design and construction of a stand-alone PV system.
Pre-requisite(s) Power Electronic Circuits
Required Facilities Use of circuit simulation programs such as PSPICE, PSIM, ORCAD, Electronic Workbench, etc. may be required for assignments.
Other For detailed information: http://www.denizyildirim.org/sp09elk498e/index.html
Textbook L. Castaner, S. Silvestre, Modeling Photovoltaic Systems Using PSpice, John Wiley & Sons, 2002.
Other References A. Goetzberger, V. U. Hoffmann, Photovoltaic Solar Energy Generation, Springer-Verlag, 2005.
R. J. Komp, Practical photovoltaics: electricity from solar cells, 3rd ed., Aatec Publications, 2001.
R. Messenger, J. Ventre, Photovoltaic Systems Engineering, CRC Press, 2000.
M. R. Patel, Wind and Solar Power Systems, CRC Press, 1999.
R. H. Bube, Photovoltaic Materials, Imperial College Press, 1998.
T. Markvart, Solar Electricity, John Wiley & Sons, 1994.
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