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Where Am I: Ninova / Courses / Faculty of Electrical and Electronic Engineering / EHB 433 - Sayısal Filtreler&Sistemler

EHB 433 - Digital Filters and Systems

Course Objectives

1. To teach how to find the transfer function of a given filter characteristic.
2. To teach how to design FIR and IIR filter.
3. To teach digital filter realization methods.
4. To teach discretization of continues system.
5. To teach how to represent in observable and controllable form.
6. To teach the concept of stability of discrete systems.
7. To introduce the concept of feedback and its stability.
8. To teach how to design of observer and controller

Course Description

Filtering by discrete (fast) Fourier transformation. Design aspects of digital filters and realization problem finite impulse filter design methods. Finite impulse filter design, i) linear phase filters, ii) windowing, iii) frequency sampling, iv) optimal filter design methods. Infinite impulse response filter design: i) numerical integration methods, ii) impulse invariance methods, iii) bilateral Z-transformation method. Filter design based on least-squares method: i) Pade method, ii) FIR Wiener filter. System identification, inverse-filter design, prediction. Signal processing applications using software realization. State-space representation of discrete time systems. Observable, controllable canonical representation. Controllability, observability, stability. Methods to design control systems. System design by state feedback (pole implementation). State observer design. Design of optimal control systems.

Course Coordinator
Müştak Erhan Yalçın
Course Language
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