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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Bilimsel ve Mühendislik Hesaplamalarına Giriş (Python)
English Int to Sci.&Eng.Comp. (Pyton)
Course Code
ELK 107E Credit Lecture
Semester 2
3 4 2 -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Fuat Küçük
Course Objectives 1. Algorithmic design for the solution of engineering problems.
2. Coding of algorithmic solution of engineering problems.
3. Visualization of data and solution.
4. Using alternative platforms for the solution of engineering problems.
Course Description This course consist of four main parts: (i) Definition of engineering problems and their algorithmic solutions, (ii) Algorithmic solutions for Electrical Engineering problems. (iii) Coding in Python language, (iv) IPython and Matlab Platforms for the solution of engineering problems, (iv) Developing software for electrical engineering applications.
Course Outcomes The students who success this course will be able to
1) Develop algorithmic solutions for the engineering problems.
2) Move from algorithmic solution to the coding in Python.
3) Use IPython Platform in the solution of engineering problems.
4) Use Matlab Platform in the solution of engineering problems.
5) Develop software for Electrical Engineering applications.
Required Facilities
Textbook [1] Hetland, Magnus Lie, “Python Algorithms: Mastering Basic Algorithms in the Python Language, Apress 2014.
[2] Hans Fangohr, “Introduction to Python for Computational Science and Engineering”. Faculty of Engineering and the Environment University of Southampton, 2014.
Other References [1] Course notes for “Introduction to Electrical Engineering and Computer Science”, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2011.
[2] Patel, Ram N., “Programming in MATLAB: a Problem-solving Approach” New Delhi : Dorling Kindersley (India), 2014.
[3] Reddy, C. Ziegler, C Programming for Scientists and Engineers with Applications, Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 2009.
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