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Where Am I: Ninova / Courses / Faculty of Electrical and Electronic Engineering / TEL 366 / Course Weekly Lecture Plan

Course Weekly Lecture Plan

Week Topic
1 1 Introduction (Building blocks of communication systems. Communication channel and its modeling) Signals and linear systems. Classification of signals. Important signals and their characteristics. Classification of systems.
2 Linear and time invariant (LTI) systems and impulse response. Orthogonal representation of signals. Fourier series and its properties. Response of LTI systems to periodic signals.
3 Fourier transform and its properties.
4 Fourier transform of periodic signals. Filtering. Spectral density functions for energy and power signals.
5 Sampling (ideal sampling and reconstruction, practical sampling). Scalar quantization. Pulse code modulation. Differential pulse code modulation.
6 Classwork
7 Continuous waveform (analog signal) modulation techniques. Amplitude, double sideband, single sideband modulation and demodulation techniques.
8 Vestigial sideband modulation and demodulation techniques. Frequency synthesis and frequency division multiplexing.
9 Angle modulation. Narrowband and wideband angle modulation. Spectral properties of angle modulated signals.
10 Phase locked loop. Analog radio and analog television systems.
11 Classwork
12 Digital communication systems. Geometric representation of signals. Modulation of one,two and multidimensional signals: Pulse amplitude modulation. Phase shift keying. Quadrature amplitude modulation. Frequency shift keying. Detection of signals in noise.
13 Correlation and matched filter demodulators. Maximum likelihood detection.
14 Error probabilities in ML detection. Signal design for bandlimited channels. Nyquist criterion.
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