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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Elk Mak Dinamiğinin Temelleri
English Basics of Dynamics of Electrical Machines
Course Code
ELK 443 Credit Lecture
Semester 7
3 3 - -
Course Language Turkish
Course Coordinator Duygu Bayram Kara
Course Objectives 1. To obtain mathematical models of electrical machines
2. To analyze the dynamics of electrical machines
Course Description Basic concepts. Dynamic behaviour, mathematical and circuit models, transfer functions, block diagrams, and dynamic response of DC machines. Mathematical models at the d-q-0 coordinate system, per-unit quantities, and numerical simulations of synchronous machines. Mathematical models at variable reference coordinate systems, per-unit quantities, and numerical simulations of induction machines
Course Outcomes 1. Have basic knowledge of dynamics of electrical machines
2. Gain the necessary basic formations for the analysis and synthesis of the electrical machines and their dynamics.
3. Obtain transfer function and block diagrams of DC machines,
4. Obtain mathematical model and analyze dynamics of synchronous machines,
5. Obtain mathematical model and analyze dynamics of induction machines.
Pre-requisite(s) None
Required Facilities Simulink usage
Textbook Paul Krause, Oleg Wasynczuk, Scott Sudhoff «Analysis of Electric Machinery and Drive Systems», Wiley and Sons, New York, 2002.
Other References Chee-Mun Ong «Dynamic simulation of Electric Machinery using Matlab», Prentice Hall PTR, 1998.
Sergey Lyshevski «Electromechanical Systems, Electric Machines, and Applied Mechatronics», CRC Press, 1999.
Sen, P. C., «Principles of Electric Machines and Power Electronics», Jhon Wiley and Sons, New York, 1997.
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